It's been a while since the last post and a lot happened during this time. No, let me reformulate this, actually there didn't happen that much, but we had quite a good time...
After hanging around with some friends Friday afternoon (Angelika was playing tennis) we went to the cinema to see the new Bond movie, Quantum of solace. I assume that you read the title, so I don't have to point out separately that it won't be my favourite film.
Let me give you some reasons:
- Bond is never ever saying "My names Bond, James Bond." during the whole movie
- he's never gambling
- there are no gadgets!!!
- ... and no Q
- no appearence of Miss Moneypenny either
- not the old, traditional scheme with the two "Bond girls" (good and bad)
- and no exaggerated story about a man who want's to rule over the world or to start a new world war
... and by the way, what happened with the sex scenes?
So, you see, enough reasons to be disappointed, I mean this is simply not a Bond movie.
In addition to that, Marc Forster isn't able to make action movies... Men, it's absolutely unnecessary to shake the camera during a pursuit or just a simple action scene... You can't see anything, like in "Eagle Eye".
Sure there were some cool scenes, especially when Anatole Taubmann is talking in Swiss-German while he makes a phone call. Let me quote: "Ja Mami, s'isch scho chli heiss da...!"
(I hope I remember it properly...) We couldn't stop laughing after this, and all the people in the cinema were wondering what the heck made us do so :-)
But as I'd say this was the highlight of the movie... the rest was really disappointing. The movie might be not that bad, but it simply can't be called a "James Bond".
PS: In the US, the movie was released just last week...
The whole cinema was laughing at that line here :)
Lol, I think so... this gives some credit to Marc Forster... but not enough to make it a good Bond movie.
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