Monday, November 10, 2008

Week review - what else (besides the election)

School is quite time consuming... especially from Monday to Thursday. We don't have classes at Friday afternoon, so that's kind of the best time from all weekdays :D

So what else happened was scheduled this week... ? Actually not that much until Friday... no,  I forgot, I went to the cinema with two guys from school, I wanted to see SAW 5 :-) It's an awesome movie, but you have to see the other parts first... btw I think it isn't in Swiss cinemas yet.
Unfortunately they didn't show it in the IMAX, I'd have loved to see this movie on such a screen!
Being on the subject of cinema and movies... the new Bond, Quantum of Solace, wont be shown in cinemas before Nov. 14th over here!!! It's scandalous!!! Who has seen it already?

On Friday was the birthday of Angelika...  *HAPPY BIRTHDAY* everyone who missed to congratulate on time can write a comment ;-)
We enjoyed a nice and very tasty dinner on a terrace with a great view over Union Square, it was really lovely.


Anonymous said...

does "too early" also go for "not on time"?
but i also did it on time.. well anyway now ill do it again "too late". Happy Birthday Angelika!!
i hope you two had a great time "on time" and now of course :-)
chuchichäschtligrüessli, anja

süli said...

Hehe, that was cool... Angelika showed me the message on her phone, lol.
Indeed, we had a great time, I'll show you some pictures from the evening when I'm back.

chuchichaestligruessli zrug :D (damn american keyboard!!!)